April In Review

Another month has just flown by. It’s amazing how much quicker time goes by the older you get. I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually you blink and a year goes by. At least that’s the way it would feel. April was a pretty interesting month for me. I got sucked back into EQ2, and I’ve been enjoying that very much, along with some normal partying and of course, work.

Basic Statistics:
914 hits.
-82 under March (996 hits).
-2393 under best month ever (3,307 hits, August ’07).

Top Referrer:
Two way tie between Gestalt Mind and EQ2-Daily.

New Linking Sites:
No new linking sites this month 😦

Top Posts:
1. Over Two Years of Everquest 2
2. Race/Class Combinations
3. Neriak Newbie Guide
4. EQ2 Meme 
5. Dual Boxing
6. Neriak Crafter’s Guide (P.O.I.s)
7. A Better Tank
8. The Norrathian Newbie #2 – Aggro Management
9. The Norrathian Newbie – Control Effects
10. And Everything is as it Was

Making some new EQ2 related posts helped out site traffic this month, EQ2-Daily helping out with most of that traffic. My old EQ2 guides still get daily traffic, specifically from search engines.

Search Engine Terms:

Top: “tangrin eq2 (Apparently the Ape is in demand)
Best: “i’m on my knees, forgive me please” (I honestly have no idea how this came up, but Jesus doesn’t live at the Lost Souls)
Runner Up: “incidents at Soboba” (Someone is looking for info on what goes down at the casino, two months in a row now. I can tell you things in person, but you’re not going to find the info you’re looking for here on the site)

A Year in the Past:
April of ’07 was definitely a slow month for blogging for me, making only two posts the entire month. I was going through some issues with the wife because she got a different job at the casino and was working graveyard, so it was effecting our relationship. Around this time the guild I helped create in EQ2 was disbanded, because the politics just weren’t working out. Apparently I had also moved deeper into my love of the metal genre, as I spoke of purchasing a few cds.

The Present:
April of 2008 was definitely more exciting, and a lot more was going on compared to ’07. I got started with a Napster trial and hated it, then moved on to Limewire. Yeah, it’s not exactly kosher, but it works for me. We watched a bunch of pay-per-view movies, and made a few trips to bars and people’s houses that included drinking and playing various games. There was some drama between friends, between me and a dude I got into a fight with, and even between me and my wife, but things have all leveled out. I also started up a new tradition with some of the guys at work. A couple weeks in a row I had a few of them over to my house and we started playing chess while drinking. This has since expanded to going to some of their houses, and to other games such as dominoes, spades, and even tetris. Friendly competition is always fun.