The Norrathian Newbie #4 – Which Race is Best for X Class?

edit (11/20/09): Traditions have changed since I wrote this post, refer to this link for updated traditions.

The Norrathian Newbie is back! I’ve finally dusted it off, and have decided on a new EQ2-related topic to discuss. Feel free to check out previous editions here.

As a Preface, I will say that I have written on this topic before. You can see that post here. When I wrote that post, it was before Game Update #40 (otherwise known as the expansion, “Rise of Kunark”) was released. At that time, racial abilities and stats meant little to a new character, and though I’m not going to retract my statement that “ultimately race does not affect the overall performance of a class”, it is fair to say that there is an optimal starting point, now. At this point I am going to list facts that could be easily found at any other informative gaming site, but also add some opinion, and hopefully help some people out that are curious as to “Which Race is Best for X Class”? Since my old post still gets a lot of traffic, I’m going to try to redirect it’s traffic to this post, which may prove to be more relevant.

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