League of Legends Night!

The NBI is in full effect, and what better way to keep the camaraderie going than another great in-game event? This time we’ll be facing off in ARAM (all-random, all-mid) battles in League of Legends. There are some great prizes up for grabs and you won’t be getting them if you aren’t playing, so what are you waiting for? Go to the NBI forums and sign up! Make sure to include your name (blogging handle) and Summoner ID (your in-game name for LoL). Also make sure to download the client and get it patched prior to May 10th so you’re all set to go. We are playing on the NA server. Sign ups for the event close on May 9th.


Hope to own, er, see you there!

(credit is due to Ashmo for helping me photoshop the flier)

#nbi2014 #NBI #newbiebloggerinitiative #leagueoflegends #bloggerbattles