
For some reason I can’t sleep. I was up until probably around 3 a.m., and we spent last night drinking. Gina woke me up around 8 a.m., telling me to go to bed (I fell asleep on the couch), and since then I’ve been awake. You would think after a night of drinking and staying up late I would be exhausted, but for some reason I just can’t sleep.

I quit drinking soda about 3 months ago. Surprisingly it wasn’t difficult. I just decided one day to stop, and I haven’t had any since (except for one bar trip, I had a Jack and Coke, and the Coke was disgustingly sweet). I’ve found since I stopped drinking soda, and started drinking a lot more water, Gatorade, or tea (particularly Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea), I have a clearer head, I feel less drained, and I sleep less. You would think with the amount of caffeine consumed previously that I would have no problem staying up all the time, and I would sleep less. But I suppose you have to crash sometime, though I slept a lot of hours every night. I figure being more hydrated probably means my body is working more efficiently so that’s why I can get along better than I did hopped up on caffeine. Whatever the case, for the past week after work I was going to be at around 2 a.m., and getting up at about 10. Granted, this is still 8 hours of sleep a night, but it didn’t matter before. Before if I would have even tried to get up at that time I would have been grouchy, and tired. Now I can get up in the morning and I feel fine. I may feel a little tired when I first open my eyes, but shortly thereafter I’m good, and I like it much better this way. An added benefit to quitting, is some weight loss. I would say around 10-15 lbs. of pure fat has slowly gone away, which I’m accounting to less sugar intake. This probably also has an effect on my body working better, as fat people tend to be more tired. So overall I’m getting healthy again, and I’m happy for it.

My buddy Drews and his girlfriend came over last night. In the evening me and Gina decided that we wanted to have some people over and have something to drink. We’re pretty broke at the moment, but we’ve supplied liquor for others in the past (just last weekend Howard drank beer at our expense), so we figured we could collect the debt. I called a few people, but didn’t really get many answers. Most people didn’t answer their phones, or call back to reply to my voicemails. One couple in particular whom we had made plans with previously, completely blew us off and did something else. Thier loss. Drews was the only one that came through, and we hadn’t see him in quite some time, so it was a welcome change. Drews supplied the brew, and we chilled out to some music and played cards. They taught us how to play “Asshole”, and it was pretty fun. We finished out the night playing a game of “Kings”, and then they took off around 2.

I pre-ordered 300 the other day, and I watched it the night before. Gina was supposed to watch it with me, but was sleeping. So she wanted to watch it after Drews left, and we put that on. I know I fell asleep before it was over, but I’m not sure how much of it she saw. I don’t think she’s seen the whole thing yet, I know she fell asleep in the theater when she went to see it originally (which makes no sense as its such a gripping film). That concluded the night for me. And here I am now.

Our living room set arrived on Wednesday. It really fills out our living room and makes it much more comfortable. It’s much better for entertaining that our previous setup. This house is finally starting to feel like home, after almost 9 months of being here. Despite some of its downfalls, our house is still better than anyone else’s that we know. I’m not saying that out of bias either, it’s simply the truth. We’ve been to all of our friend’s houses, and they’re either dirty, unkempt, or just plain ghetto (or a combination of these). I’m never embarrassed to have people over, because I know when they walk into my house, they will feel welcomed, and comfortable. I know I get embarrassed for others in some of the places I’ve visited. It’s amazing to me how some people choose to live.

Recently I’ve had some mixed emotions, but they’ve been sorted through. There have been times when I wanted to just run away from all my responsibilities in life, like a coward. Sitting here thinking about the great life I have makes me wonder what the fuck I was thinking. The little things are always what get to you, but it’s the little things that keep you coming back. Stupid things like how nice my living room looks. Little details like how cute I look with my lady in our pictures. Insignificant meetings with friends like last night, where all we did was bullshit and drink beer. Cheap beer at that. But that’s a detail that strikes close to home. Cheap beer has been a staple of my relationships with people for years. Its one of those things that tie us all together, and though this sounds stupid, I have very fond memories of cheap beer. My girl and I shared our “first time” together over a couple cases of the same cheap beer we drank last night. I noticed that Drews seems more happy and alive with a woman by his side. I’ve noticed that I’m a better man with a woman by my side. I guess it’s the natural thing that’s supposed to happen. I know that my woman is the only one that I’ve stayed attracted to for this long. The only one I still want to be with even through all the bullshit that comes with a relationship. We’ve been together a little over two years, and I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I thought I felt like this once before, years ago, when I spent almost 3 years with another girl. I won’t say woman, because we were too young. Anyway, we never clicked the same way, and after a while I was just bored. I get bored easily with nearly everything. There’s only two things in my life I’ve found that are constant. Gina, and Everquest. I can’t seem to get bored with either.

Well enough of my random rambling. Just wanted to share some thoughts.