No World For Tomorrow

I am very happy to announce that I found out today that Coheed & Cambria have an official release date for their next album, due out October 23rd. The album will be called Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow, the follow up to 2005’s Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness. This is officially the second longest album title I’ve ever seen. Anyway, you can get sneak peaks at artwork and etcetera at this site: Ever few days they give another message, and in the current is some new artwork for the album. I am a HUGE Coheed fan (as can be seen if you look at my left arm, the bottom half of which is adorned with coheed inspired tattoos), and as such this news is very exciting to me. I have all 3 of their full lengths, their live album/DVD combo, and their second live DVD. I also have the special edition CD/DVD package of the last album, and I’ve seen them live 3 times. So yeah I’m a little obssessed.

Anyhow, there’s an interview with the singer Claudio Sanchez over here. For those of you too lazy to read it, it talks about the new album, the life of the band over the past year, and their new lineup (if you didn’t realize two of the band members left and one came back, and they stole the “Dillinger Escape Plan”‘s drummer). There’s some other goodies in their for fans if you care to read it.

I’m drooling with anticipation.