Why the NES Classic is Perfect For Gamers Like Me

nes-classic-edition-in-handThis past week, there was an announcement made by Nintendo (no, this isn’t about Pokemon GO. You can’t even avoid that news) that they were bringing the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) back to retail. This isn’t the same NES that you had back in the 80’s though, no this NES Classic edition is a miniaturized version of the original. Small enough to hold in the palm of your hand, it’s a third or less the size of the 80’s version, but has been updated to output via a packed-in HDMI cable meaning that it is finally compatible with modern TVs and monitors. It features the classic controller design that we all knew and loved, and comes packed with 30 games out of the box. The best part is the price point: It’s only $60.


There has been plenty of coverage of this announcement, and it has been met with both hype and disdain. People are excited to be able to hook up an NES to their modern TVs. They’re excited to be able to play the classic titles that are included. Some think it’s a great idea. Others are mad that you can’t use the cartridge slot — meaning you can’t use existing cartridges to play games that aren’t included on the system memory. They’re also upset that there isn’t an ethernet port or wi-fi capabilities to potentially download extra titles from the Nintendo digital store. Other complaints range from “I already have the OG system, why do I want this?” to “This is just another money grab.” Either way, Nintendo has brought their name to the forefront of the gaming community twice in two weeks, but for completely different reasons. Stocks are up. I’m sure the company feels good despite their shit sales on consoles and 1st party IPs as of late.

All of the commentary aside, I think this console was designed with people like me in mind. It’s been nearly 30 years since the NES released in the United States. Most of us that were born in the 70’s and 80’s played the shit out of this console, for many it was their first gaming experience. I know people who have original systems that still work, who still have original cartridges, and those that have taken it upon themselves to collect these games after the fact – retro gamers/collectors. But for people like me, who did own the system and owned most of the games included in this bundle, who have subsequently had their system take a shit or ended up getting rid of it and the cartridges, this is the perfect solution.

A few years back, I picked up the Sega Genesis collection that released on then-current-gen consoles in an effort to recap a large portion of my collection of Sega Genesis games. If this would have released in a similar fashion where I could get these 30 games on a disc for PS4 or via Steam, I would still pay the $60 asking price just to have this excellent collection of titles. Getting the mini-console and the OG controller to boot is just icing on the cake! For posterity, let’s look at the list of included games:

  • Balloon Fight™
  • Castlevania™
  • Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest™
  • Donkey Kong™
  • Donkey Kong Jr. ™
  • Dr. Mario™
  • Excitebike™
  • Galaga™
  • Ice Climber™
  • Kid Icarus™
  • Kirby’s Adventure™
  • Mario Bros. ™
  • MEGA MAN® 2
  • Metroid™
  • PAC-MAN™
  • Punch-Out!! ™ Featuring Mr. Dream
  • StarTropics™
  • SUPER C™
  • Super Mario Bros.™
  • Super Mario Bros. ™ 2
  • Super Mario Bros. ™ 3
  • The Legend of Zelda™
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link™

I don’t care who you are, that’s a great list of games there. Mostly first party, but some third party back when Nintendo still had some exclusive licensing deals. Many of the greatest IPs got their start on the NES, and many of my favorites from that era are included. This is when Nintendo was still good, and when I still felt they were the best video game company in the world. My opinion of them has changed greatly over the years, but I can’t deny the nostalgia factor presented here. Not only did I own a large portion of these games, but there are some popular titles that I missed out on playing as well as a few that I didn’t give a proper chance to (I’m looking at you, Super Mario Bros 2, Zelda II, and Punch Out). I look forward to getting my hands on this collection for the retro nostalgia feels, but also to have some new experiences with old gems.


It’s likely I’ll have to pick up a second controller too, just so I have the ability to play some 2-player when I have friends around. For only $10 it’s a really reasonable add on as well. For those of us who miss having these games in their life, it’s a fantastic buy. From the little bit of research I’ve done, it doesn’t seem that pre-orders are available just yet, but it is releasing just a few days before my birthday in November (the 11th) just in time for the holiday season. I know I’m going to pull the trigger on a pre-order as soon as they become available, because I don’t want to miss out on the first wave.

What do you all think? Are you excited for this new (old) offering?

4 thoughts on “Why the NES Classic is Perfect For Gamers Like Me

  1. I never played a NES believe it or not! No-one I knew owned one, everyone here was a Master System gamer – so this is perfect for me! I can experience these games for the very first time, I just hope that Nintendo can nail the emulation of the games issue free.


    • I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be fine. If unsupported emulators and roms can do it, I imagine Nintendo can figure it out. There’s some gems there, I hope you enjoy.


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